Community Health
Accessible, Affordable Care for Families
Protecting your health and that of your family is the number one concern of Winner Regional’s Community Health Department. Making sure quality services are available at a cost everyone can afford is part of that mission.
Community Health programs are available to anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or ability to pay. Community Health provides a number of services at low or reduced cost to children and families in the south-central South Dakota area. You may utilize one Community Health program or several, depending on your need or the needs of your family.
How does Community Health work?
The department is funded by Winner Regional Health, the State of South Dakota Department of Health, various grants and Tripp County. We are staffed by Candy Cahoy RN and Penny Herman, Administrative Assistant.
Community Health
To make an appointment, please call (605) 842-7166
Office Hours: 8:00am – 5:30 pm, Monday -Thursday
Our Community Health office is located at 245 Main Street in Winner, SD.
Appointments are encouraged, but not required.

Learn More about our Services
Baby Care

The Baby Care program works with pregnant women to offer health advice and education regarding their pregnancy and their newborn. Our nurse assesses pregnant women for certain risk factors and offers case management as needed. We promote good health during pregnancy by providing counseling and education, arranging for prenatal visits and offering referrals to other health and community resources. Our nurse can also make visits to the home after the baby is born.